5 the latest technology in the medical field Is Cool!

medical technology

Handling medical quickly certainly needs the help of technology.

Health is one of the fields that has been developed from time to time about medicine and medical facilities that are currently based on technology. Technology is also one of the important things that cannot be separated from the daily lives of many people in modern times.

You certainly agree if manpower alone would not able to create finished work or needs in large quantities. Even if able to power many people could be said to be capable of, but everyone's power is also limited and should be coupled with the length of time you need.

In the world of health itself, this technology is now increasingly developed for more ease in the manufacture of drugs, research a new virus or disease, it also helps in the healing period for patients. Even a lot of treatment now is increasingly unusual in a time of healing. The following 5 latest technology in between.

Technology connectivity, skin cells, and bone.

medical technology

You must understand what the panic of someone who has an accident plus a broken bone? Of course, it needs fast medical treatment if this happens. Especially about connecting bones. Well, so on this matter medical people develop this fast handling technology.

A study conducted by Ohio University which found a treatment medium in the form of a special "chip" that can directly connect skin cells and bones to hold it temporarily, so that your fractures are not very sick before getting further medical treatment.

This special chip is about the size of your smartphone sim card that has been programmed specifically to be able to directly combine skin cells. In addition, there is another second finding from Ohio University which is named "cargo" or an electric shock that is supplied with a certain electric current, which can instruct your skin to close the wound.

The invention of Tissue Nanotransfection or TNT technology was initially tested on mice and pigs. The surprising thing happened, it turned out that the rat's feet were intentionally badly injured, by implanting this TNT technology the blood flow in experimental mice could return to normal and this technology could also make nerve cells in mice get back to normal after mice suffered minor damage to their brains.

Fat burner technology.

For you who are obese, the new findings in the medical field also predicted would greatly help you. The technology would help dilute the fat that accumulates is named with a "microneedle patches " nanopatch technology. 

The technology was created by their researchers from Columbia University Medical Center. But not everyone can turn out to apply this technology. Those who have ever or are currently taking the drug diet, where the effect of the work is to change fat into fat white chocolate must have a certain period so that the diet drug effects were reduced.

The work of the microneedle nanopatch is to control the drug that has been injected into the microneedle into certain areas determined by medical personnel. Like for example only in the area of the skin and afterward brown fat will melt slowly into the form of nanoparticles.

For those of you who don't know yet, humans have two types of fat. First is the type of white fat and the second is called brown fat, or commonly called saturated fat. White fat itself functions as a reserve of energy in the body, and don't be surprised why a boarding house won't die even if they don't eat for several days. Yes, as long as you keep drinking, it's still safe, at best, you faint.

While the function of brown fat itself is fat that settles more often

The study, conducted and published on ACS Nano, an experimental mouse showed that a 20% decrease in fat levels in the rat body after microneedle technology was applied in line with the decrease in glucose levels in the blood of mice.

With the mind control technology.

For those sufferers paralyzed, would have been a tough thing for them to do a variety of activities that he needs to just run all on its own. How can it be if it moves only is still difficult, Moreover, to do other things that are not necessarily easy for him?

If you are a fan of sci-fi genre or fantasy genre you are certainly no stranger to film scenes featuring super-sophisticated technology that can read what someone thinks and then run it. As if, someone only relies on his mind's abilities as well as an ability to be faithful.

In an age that is already as modern as, you don't have to wonder anymore if technology could be equated with telepathy through "Brain-Computer Interfaces " or BCIS, an important discovery from the research results of the Graz University of Technology.

This technology is referred to as Brain technology with the Composer. The discovery of this medical technology can capture messages that exist in the brain, and then routed into a command for almost all needs of light required a patient sufferer paralysis. Such as helping patients to write down something.

In a study conducted, researchers made the 18 samples of people to be tested. They make a connection with the music maker software. Then a glowing symbol and notation before detected on screen, while note tone that exists in the mind of a person, this tool is still concentrating on the tone of it. BCIS translate focus data in the human brain and then as the output of this tool helps translate what someone wants. 

Cancer detection pen.


The cancer is still being a very severe disease dreaded by many people. Gimana don't fear, of the cost of treatment and medicines, are not cheap and the price is the most thing for most people become an extra life. 

However, you do not need to fear again and could even detect it early at a young age with the discovery of cancer-detection pen as the results of a study from the University of Texas from a pen-shaped device, and also called Masspec Pen. This pen is functioning to distinguish cancer during this time of healing within 10 seconds.

Using a Pen Masspec method that can detect cancer with Frozen Section Analysis for 30 minutes or more towards the process of sampling. Amazingly, 10-20% of the cases of cancer could be detected even if it freezes cancer cells.

The workings of this Pen MassPec is by way of comparing some molecules called metabolites. It is this part that produces cell network by issuing a few drops of water that absorbs thousands of metabolites and forward it via spectrometer because metabolites produced from separate cancer cells from the cancer cells are normal. Then this cancer detection pen directly detects whether cancer is detected or not. 

And a study also analyzes that networks are taken from 253 cancer patients, cancer detection pen technology plan will be used in the future in the surgery. 

A person's life expectancy of detection tools.

The internal organs that can’t detect by most people without the assistance of medical personnel as well as medical technology, making researchers in Adeide from the University of Adelaide to find a technology in the medical field who are new to the term artificial intelligence to predict the life expectancy of a person according to medical analysis. 

In his research, the researchers used a 48 chest image patients and study more deeply. Algorithms which require predictions from some of these patients can detect approximately where the life expectancy of patients who would die more quickly within 5 years. The result of this detection of approximately 69%. 

Detection of more in this algorithm using the technique, and then making an observation and prediction. In this case, the algorithm will learn the types of diseases that are more complex again by looking at the condition of the many organs of the human body. But of course still needs much more development to improve the usefulness of this technology.

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