Assassin's Creed Odyssey, New Sheets for the Action Series

Assassin's Creed Odyssey, New Sheets for the Action Series

Assassin's Creed Origins are blended into this saga is the opening game of the open world's topmost ambitious in 2017. The hard work of developers over the years we can see details of how the Team Montreal created the world of ancient Egypt at the end of the era of the Ptolemaic period as a medium to combine historical and fictional event occurrence.

Slide one year less a few weeks from Origins, Assassin's Creed gameplay concept Odyssey is more daring and probably could be said to be a bit radical. Despite retaining a number of traditions of Assassin's Creed, Odyssey directed deliberately from the beginning as a role-playing action game, for the first time let you choose the main character and determine the dialog.

The move likely is how to create a refreshing return formula Assassin's Creed. But it may be, the transition from formula to action-adventure role-playing cannot accept all the fans with open arms. The news excited, Ubisoft Quebec has been preparing to anticipate these things through the addition of new features and the use of unique landing.

The Eagle-Bearer

Assassin's Creed Odyssey offers you to play one of the grandchildren of King Leonidas, between Alexios or Kassandra. There is no difference in the gameplay aspects of both except voiced his eldest brother and who. I tried both, and personally, prefer Kassandra for portraying more natural and so far there is only a small selection of female main character in a major series Assassin's Creed.

However, Alexios himself is not a bad choice and reminds me of Bayek of Shiva. Of course, the two main characters option requires Ubisoft did voice-over work procedures twice. And given that the Odyssey is a role-playing game, the amount of the dialogues is not a little. The willingness of developers make doing so needs to be appreciated.

Fresh as a new sheet, other positive things from Odyssey is the story is not confusing. Layla Hassan session persists, but portions have been reduced and simplified so that we just simply know who he is and his role in this story. And unlike the narrative Origins, Odyssey also don't jump-jump. 

In the opening session, you will soon know who Alexios and Kassandra, as well as what their relationship with Leonidas.

When Bayek of Shiva in the Assassin's Creed Origins is a law enforcement, Alexios or Kassandra is Misthios or mercenaries. This means that the figure is not always sided with the law. Some of the accepted contracts Kassandra often obliged him to ' silence ' certain individuals, steal, or clean up one encampment contains bandits. And in order to support the design of this kind of gameplay, Ubisoft Quebec implemented a system of bounty.

Assassin's Creed Odyssey brings players to the peak of the Peloponnesian War, military conflict, which started in the year 431 BCE between the Sparta and Athens. There, Kassandra and the team of soldiers not paid required to support one faction, even welcome works created both. He could spend his time completing the contract, put together a crew, as well as to upgrade equipment and boats.

One interesting aspect of the Odyssey is the 'GTA' style sensation. Indeed, there are no 'automotive' vehicles that you can plow, but Kassandra can steal horses or storm pirate boats, military convoys and merchant ships. In the game world, there are also many objects that should not be taken out (but it's a shame to miss them).

The power of Athens and Sparta in one area are fluctuating. The attack that you do at a specific location would undermine one of the factions, allowing his rival to take over. Pull it again, we can even participate in a large-scale war, and the results will affect who ruled the area.

Greece during the Peloponnesian War version of Assassin's Creed does not yet have a concrete law enforcement system. Social activity there is overseen by the military of Sparta or Athens, however, if Your criminal actions cross the line of other mercenaries, will try to stop you. 

Your behavior is getting worse, then level the bounty so increasingly high and growing many malicious individuals who come looking for. As a way out, you could be in hiding or pay the bounty.
Here, the game adopts the Nemesis System-style approach in Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor even though it's not the equivalent of Warner Bros. games. that. 

The Odyssey only shows mercenaries you've defeated, ranks Kassandra or Alexios there, and other dangerous soldiers who could be a threat. And as you succeed in defeating competitors one by one, you can climb the strongest Misthios ranking.
Exploration Mode

game. Generally, the Assassin's Creed gaming map is full of legendary and interesting locations - informative entertaining but removing the mystery and reducing his jokes.

To change the status quo, Ubisoft Quebec presents a feature named Exploration Mode. This mode is designed to guide the players encountered made things interesting on its own without the treat us like children. 

By selecting the Exploration Mode, we need to follow the instructions when working on a quest. For example, the location of the animal game you are looking for is located on the north side of the Sacred Lands of Apollo, usually seen in areas of the plateau.

After arriving at the place, the search can be made easier by calling Ikaros - a pet eagle that can help you lock the enemy position and find objects, including whatever you are looking for. The presentation and control are very synonymous with Bayu's Senu. For me personally, his presence still feels like a cheating method that gives players an edge without side effects; eliminate the effects of surprises and the excitement of uncertainty.

Many gamers may love the ease of it, but for me, the features of Ikaros feels Scotch. How can it be Kassandra knowing what views pet continuously?

Action role-playing
Combining the traditions of Assassin's Creed as game-themed action-adventure stealth role-playing with the principle it was not easy. There is a lot to be compromised by Ubisoft Quebec through the removal of some elements.

Hiding in high places or in the middle of a heavily Bush trees, making a diversionary attack, and all of a sudden the core gameplay remains an Odyssey. But the objects ' instant ' hiding like a closet or a pile of leaves of the tree no longer exists or can be utilized, demands you make to sneak and avoid the opposing point of view direction naturally.

Veteran players also immediately felt the contrast of the battle system between the classic Assassin 'Creed series and the Odyssey. When Ezio in Assassin 'Creed II can easily surpass opponents who surround him, Kassandra must defeat the enemy carefully and systematically.

You need to execute the movement swiftly, knowing when to fend off and avoid, and determine whether the focus on one opponent is a precise strategy or not. Basically, it's not difficult, but it becomes very challenging if we face more than two opponents at once.

Kassandra is also not just dealing with a human being. There are many dangerous faunae lurking in the adventures in Odyssey: a flock of wolves can drop you from the horse, and then attempts to sneak can transform into a struggle for survival if it turns out we got to bear territory. And like the other face the enemy in the Odyssey, the need to create a special strategy of defeating these animals.

In addition to the usual ' enemies ', you will also meet with the mythical creatures of ancient Greece. Their presence opposite from those games Assassin's Creed's old ' committed ' on historical accuracy. But we know the direction of Assassin's Creed began to change since its Origins.

Role-playing elements are most prominent in the Odyssey, of course, is the Options dialog. With it, you can build the main characters create so dear or brutal individual, as well as choosing to save or end lives. Whatever your decision, effects, and consequences will await.

A bit desynchronized

As a method of the progress of the character, the Odyssey gives us the option to develop three aspects – divided into categories of the hunter, warrior, and assassin. Hunter with regards to the arrow-archery and distance attacks; Warrior influenced the ability of Kassandra/Alexios in the fight; then the assassin plays a role in the effectiveness of the attack in stealth.

Interestingly, whatever the options, you can change and modify the ' skill ' tree anytime easily. The points raised there can be reset, so give us an opportunity to experiment without having to redo the play sessions or issue a credit in the game. Some of the options you will open the ' active ' skill. For new players, the process of adaptation may need to use because it requires a combination of some keys.

Active skill usage will be taking points of adrenaline, which will be incremented automatically when you hide or successfully subvert the opponents without being discovered. Casual gamers will probably also appreciate the automatic regeneration of the health system, can grow on its own if Kassandra is outside the conflict. It means that Assassin's Creed Odyssey is an RPG without the consumable system as well as potions.

Like the game's open world role-playing modern Assassin's Creed Odyssey inviting you to explore the Mediterranean islands and forget his story after Kassandra or Alexios get her trireme boat, Identical. As equipment and weaponry belonging to the main character, players are welcome to upgrade the Identical as well as hiring a more experienced crew.

For me, the one thing Scotch from a combination between open world and narrative presentation of traditional video games is not relevant aspects of urgency in the story. For example, a child was abducted by bandits and Kassandra must rescue him, but he still can work on other tasks as well as shopping for weapons without a load. In other situations, a man asks his brother freed captured Kassandra robber, and I just do it for days afterward without side effects.

Some tasks that could be accepted Kassandra did have time constraints, but the negative impact if you get through it is simply lost the opportunity to earn points XP or Orichalcum Ore – useful make buying items rare/legendary.


Run from an Intel i7-6700HQ processor armed with Nvidia GeForce GTX 1070 graphics cards, Assassin 's Creed Odyssey runs smoothly on the ultra high 1080p option, capable of securing frame rates above 50 per second. Odyssey is one of the most beautiful graphics games you can enjoy today, with visual quality well above Red Dead Redemption 2 via PlayStation 4 Pro.

Talking about game design, Odyssey surely doesn't need the popularity of the name of the Assassin's Creed to shine. He indeed can not juxtapose with legendary RPG-RPG such as The Witcher 3 or Divinity II Original Sin, and indeed a number of elements of the gameplay feel simple. But most importantly, the Assassin's Creed Odyssey very pleasant and easily enjoyed by anyone – either those who have long followed this series as well as newcomers.

The game presents the content is so rich and might make the beginner feel overwhelmed and lost focus. But my advice, think of all the things in there as an option: you want to explore the unspoiled land? Please. Want to be the most respected mercenaries? Why not. Sought to conquer the seas? Adrestia ready to sail. And whenever you wish, the story of the adventures of Kassandra and Alexios is ready to be enjoyed.

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