Well, the title is really dark rich ... err, know this article won't be that scary but will discuss some of the present day Artificial intelligence that is in HP or Laptop reader, and also the potential of Artificial intelligence in the future.

Although I honestly hope that there won't be an AI as scary as Skynet, or perhaps more familiar with the millennial doctrines Ultron Ultron, even though Ultron was bad, and frankly like a villain in the Marvel Cinematic Universe in General, ga a lot of the scene it really means and his purpose is not long, permanent, her potential AI that will say "I HAVE NO STRINGS ON ME!" to the creator.

focus, Artificial Intelligence ... So yes, the future where the Artificial Intelligence will eventually govern and control us is very possible, and it seems that people are smart enough to add the failsafe code and learn from the Terminator, but there will likely be real life Skynet is there ...
And remember-remember, one of the scientists and advocates of Anti AI, which is Stephen Hawking, have recently died March yesterday. To quote him, "I'm not scared of black holes. AI is a different story. "

So instead of long-distant future, we discussed this Artificial intelligence, from the simple to the like with Skynet or JARVIS. Ultron is not a rival ... JARVIS is the true AI in MCU. Although Ultron murdered ends, but ... err ...

Ahem, on topic ...

Disclaimer: If I sound as if I don't like AI, even though in fact it's true, I've tried as objectively as possible ...
Before getting too deep into the world of AI, I will first discuss Machine Learning, which is a kind of shaft and Foundation of an Artificial Intelligence.

So the name of machine learning that may be a new term ... but I myself never executed project machine learning and to be honest he should not get to the point of learning new things, or ... destroyed the world. AI is the most basic there is usually in monitoring behavior and sometimes only remember or study one to two new words.

Before thinking like a geek movie Sci-Fi, Artificial Intelligence has a definition, and this Copas, no translate, so crude directly from the internet ...

Artificial intelligence is intelligence demonstrated by machines, in contrast to the natural intelligence displayed by humans and other animals. (AI is intelligentsia who demonstrated the machine, unlike natural intelligentsia, shown by humans and other animals)

This I think is not yet complete, so will be searched again the definition of intelligence, a new can be Yes, that most basic of what AI ... This definition: The ability to acquire and apply knowledge and skills. (the ability to get, and apply the knowledge and capabilities)

Well, if you want the line was drawn roughly, whose name could be interpreted as an artificial intelligence engine, either hardware or software (Note: the definition of the machine itself already the more flexible right now) that is capable of acquiring and applying knowledge on the right situation. I don't want to enter the skill, sorry ... he still ... crude and it is not clear for artificial intelligence.

Machine Learning

Well, I already told you, that I really had a project about Machine Learning ... even though it wasn't complete, and only about 60% went wrong, I got a basic picture of Machine Learning ...

Machine Learning itself is usually considered as a process of the machine to get new information and add it to the database that he got. Machine Learning alone was more than enough to be a basic foundation of an AI, and also it is usually enough to make the file continues to renew itself, for example, err ... save file a rich RPG, for example, Pokemon.


For example, in a human being, Machine Learning is just the human being looking and learning how people play basketball from watching an NBA Match. For AI, the person can play basketball, by comparing the rules he has with what is happening.

If it's not yet imagined ... just go to the example ...

Everyday AI ... Keyboard in HP

Swiftkey, maybe the reader makes the application easy to type because he can know what will come out, and also what we are typing.

Yeah, it's AI too ... don't think too much that the AI ​​is too complex, and think of it like Baymax, or Skynet ... No, on an HP reader, the keyboard can usually predict words and know if for example typing ... "hurry up" said the next one will be suggested, and the word "go home" comes out.

Well, if for example, AI is a kind of "lacking" from the shadow reader itself, try it, I tell you how it works, and we try to compare the definitions obtained from Google.

We type something into the input on the HP

Keyboard software records the words we type to an input and often match per application the keyboard is given the word, go to the database repeat step 2 until we send, or press enter when we repeat step 1, he would get a sequence of code again to compare his code. Type input, get out the letters "Wh" check the application to share what ... For example ... Google Chrome

Check the database, the Chrome application, oh, in Chrome he usually likes to search "Apollo", "Apathy" and "Appendix". Good, prepare for three-three suggestions. Sort before we give a suggestion. Most often search Apollo, meaning middle taro, Apathy taro left the side and right Appendix. Suggest, out on the Keyboard

AI too right? He is according to the definition you know ...
He included as a software, she can get information and acquire the appropriate info, keep his knowledge is applied to help us, in accordance with the right moment, because he compares the input from different applications.

Artificial intelligence could be interpreted as a machine, either hardware or software that is capable of acquiring and applying knowledge in the right situation.

If you already know, it's good ... but for those who haven't ... sorry if the AI ​​image isn't / isn't suitable ... we still go down again anyway. And actually, we skip a little AI that isn't as complex as Skynet / Ultron / JARVIS / whatever AI you want from pop culture, and also more resilient than this keyboard. This middle-class AI exists, but it is not the point that needs to be highlighted. Usually, this AI can be used for, mmm ... for example the Self Driving Car, which I wrote the parody here too ...

But, for now, we will discuss the top level AI, like Skynet! And why would it be creepy ... Or maybe not actually ...

True Artificial Intelligence

True Artificial Intelligence still has a definition that is not far from Ultron and Skynet ... By the way, I'm sorry if you listen to Ultron, Skynet, and what's more, I'm also bored, but that's the most famous for now, and maybe discuss some Another AI, rich in The 100, will be less ... memorable.
Well, so this is a true Artificial Intelligence, reportedly more powerful than true love ...

Err, I am being embarrassed ... Obviously, this scary AI is definitely stronger than human emotions ... why? Well, try to look at this meme, and actually, it's quite spot on, and it's not wrong either ...
Even though he sounds satirical, it's not wrong either ...

So, actually, a fictional AI in general because he is not organic species, and human-like ... Essentially based on the theory of Survival of the Fittest as well, they will try to "step on" species that is blocking them. And any normal species who heard that we have wiped out either how many hundred species, destroying the Earth, and also fought with the aim of rada ga clear ...

Yes, normal species will want to drive us ... Especially if the species is not ourselves, rich for example ... well, MACHINES!,
So, maybe now the name of the computer is clearly far more intelligent than humans, and think millions of times faster too ... uhh ... Well, we will obviously be outsmarted if they think like us, and without emotional factors to hinder their judgment.


Err, if what is imagined now is OH NO! STOP AI! Not yet! We as humans are also quite clever, and not careless enough to not create a self-destruct code or hard code that says "HUMAN IS A FRIEND!"

With so-so very obviously I mean is cruel, and thought that a human being is a rival. Surely as the creator of the AI itself, we should be smart enough to discourage a lot of negative things and things seem happens in movies that ... So, in fact, So actually to avoid it is not too much trouble anyway ...

But to talk about the functions and their effects on the environment and economy, huh ... uhh ... err ... Remember the time when colonialism began in Europe during the Industrial Revolution? Yes, more or less that will happen, because right after the industrial revolution there was a machine that sort of reduced the needs of people doing things like, sewing and making clothes etc.
So yes ... so it is 🙁

Imagine if the programmer would not be needed anymore, or anything related to concrete empirical science. What will be important later maybe it's not solid empirical science, but things that use feeling, and stuff? Well, more or less like that ...

It looks really rough, but it's basically an AI that is going to be in mass production, so yeah, we won't need humans anymore, wong there is a machine to do things like that super fast. Things like programming, and maybe checking tests, copying charts, maybe experimenting, or teaching? Well ... 

it's really bad ...

Just discussed the true AI ... because actually what to fear from AI is not the potential against the rich programs of Skynet and Ultron ... But if this AI makes a lot of smart people get laid off because they are replaced machines that are far more cost-efficient.

In Conclusion

Conclusion ... As humans, we are afraid of things we do not know, for example ... err, death ... and because of that, AI is considered as dangerous waters, and is something that we do not fully know to be confident and experiment with.

In addition, AI technology is still growing rapidly, and to be honest, a machine-dominated future working on our rich tasks at Wall-E is really possible. Is that really the future you want?

For now we, or I at least ... can't do a lot of things to this Artificial Intelligence, but I can at least be kind of illuminating and try to open my eyes and look for perspective on this subject. Be careful, don't "get along" because honestly things like this, could be creepy ends ...

Hopefully, the article can be enjoyed today, and until tomorrow!


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