15 Facts about Apple's innovative smartphones

15 Facts about Apple's innovative smartphones

15. Repeat the number

Apple computers-1 went on sale in July 1976 and sold for $666.66. That price was chosen for no reason other than Wozniak liked repeating digits.

14. The Assembly is not required

One of the things that makes the Apple-1 computer is so innovative is the fact that it is fully assembled. 

Buyers of the Apple-1 did have to make their own case, but unlike other computers at the time, which has several circuit boards, the Apple-1 comes with a single motherboard and chip-60 which are already connected.

13. Home Gaming Console

In 1996, Apple did the only one going into the home gaming market by releasing its Pippin console. Computer experts generally believe that nothing is technically wrong with the product, but that the market is too saturated to break through. 

It does offer users the experience of playing online, but only a few people have an internet connection that is good enough to play online, and the device is $ 599, which is expensive at the time.

12. Lost their Advantage, Apple

Before the iPod into Apple products, its creator Tony Fadell was first offered it to Philips and Real Networks. Both companies declined, do not have enough confidence in the product to go to the trouble of producing it. When he took it to Apple, they are very enthusiastic about the idea of Fadell and gave the team with 30 people and one year for managed to release it.

11. Move Music

Apple revolutionized portable music player with the iPod Nano and Shuffle, but in July 2017, the company announced that they were removing both models because people mostly use their cell phone as a music player. 

Although the iPod Touch is still available (for now), it is an important part of Apple's business so they don't even bother to report it in their financial reports.

10. Super Bowl Spot

A TV commercial for the Macintosh computer in 1984 first aired during the Super Bowl. The ad was directed by Ridley Scott, well known for directing films such as Alien, Blade Runner, and The Martian.

9. A personal assistant is installed

When Apple launched the iPhone 4S, it comes with a fun new feature. Siri personal assistant is controlled voice that comes with the all new Apple device, and for many years, savvy and his ability have grown. 

The series can handle most personal needs such as setting reminders, make phone calls, keep a list of, and provides sports scores, but the user knows that he also has a sense of humor. There are many guides to egg Easter Series reveals some of the funny things she could do.

8. Frenemies

Bill Gates and Steve Jobs have a love-hate relationship that is long and the competition, but at one time, Microsoft made software for the Apple II. In 1983, Jobs tried selling Gates on the idea of making software for the Macintosh Computer with a new graphical interface, not text-based, but Gates reportedly was not impressed with the attitude and platform Jobs. 

They successfully worked together for several years, but that relationship was shattered when Gates released the first version of Windows. Jobs accused Gates of stealing his idea, and since that time, both are ardent enemies.

7. There is nothing Biblical about it

The same as the name of the Apple, the meaning behind the logo (an Apple with a bite out of it) has also been a source of speculation. Some people thought it was the biblical reference of the tree of knowledge, but the truth is simply that the designer that shows two Jobs-one design with a bite of it and one without, and Jobs preferred to bite.

6. Frozen in Time

Each ad for Apple products 9:41 shows in the display. According to the former head of iOS Scott Forstall, Apple's rather do their big product reveals at 40 minutes into the presentation. Extra minutes are small margins they let themselves just in case. 

When Steve Jobs unveiled the iPhone, a part of the show starts right at 9:41.

5. A careful Smoker

If you have an Apple computer, smoking anywhere around it can void your warranty even if you have Apple Care extended insurance. Apparently, Apple repair staff have refused to work on the engine, because smokers smoke dangers secondhand. 

When customer complaints reached the Office of Steve Jobs, Apple stands by their employees, stating that Nicotine " in the list of hazardous substances and Apple, not OSHA would require an employee to correct anything that is considered harmful to their health.  "

4. Sneaky!

Around the same time when Apple launched the iPhone and iPhone 8S, 8 X, they were forced to admit that they have been using software update to slow down the performance of the old model, and the battery problem can make them turn off suddenly. 

A week later, Apple issued an apology over the tactics it and offer cheap battery replacement. However, this option may not satisfy everyone, and a lot of angry users have filed lawsuits over it.

3. Short Tenure

Ronald Wayne is not a name familiar to most users of Apple. It's because she left her position just 12 days after its founding and selling his share for $ $800 plus an additional $1,500 payment. Had he relied on his 10%, it would be worth more than $60 billion yesterday. 

Don't feel too sorry for him. He has said in interviews that he did not regret as he would be "hurt the richest man in the cemetery, " which means that he will die if he stayed with the company.

2. the symbiotic relationship

While Apple and Samsung is a direct competitor in the market for tablet/smartphone, but they also have a symbiotic relationship. Samsung produces some key components of the iPhone and they are the only company that has the ability to do so. Some reports estimate that Samsung will produce $110 of every iPhone X, which is a lot more than they get from their own cell phone. 

The manufacturing arm of the company also accounts for about 35% of the business of Samsung.

1. Super-Secret

While the iPhone is currently in development, many suffering taken internally to make sure there are no leaks. Hardware developers have never seen software, software developers have never seen hardware, and few people outside Jobs know what the product will look when it is finished. 

To everyone outside the development team and executives, that project only M68, and every time someone in the meeting says "we will talk about the M68, " they are taught to be quiet and wait and see if anyone outside of meetings asked what it was.

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