Say no to hoaxes, activist power and technology

Say no to hoaxes, activist power and technology        

The concept of "fake news" or hoax news we find everywhere during the last two years. United Kingdom Cambridge dictionary defines it as "the false stories which appeared in the news, spread through the internet or using other media, usually made to influence the political views or as a joke".

As part of the global impulse to restrain the rate of spread of a deliberate wrong information, researchers trying to understand the reason for people to spread the word lie and how to support the hoax news can spread through social networking.

But human beings are social animals that are complex, and the technology has not been able to understand how rich learning process and human interaction.

That's why we choose to use different approaches in our research. We use the latest techniques, which we took from the artificial intelligence technology, to learn how to support hoax news — or the rejection of him — can spread in social networks.

We believe this model is more realistic than previous approaches because the individuals in our study are an endogenous model of its interaction with the environment and not just follow the rules. This new approach allows us to learn a number of new things about how the news lie scattered.

The main conclusion of our research is, privacy is the key to the prevention of the spread of the news of the hoax. Keep to your own personal data is as important as careful when giving information to social media or search engine.

The latest wave of technological innovation has led us on web 2.0 based on data, which raises some fundamental challenges for user privacy and the integrity of the news that is shared in social media.

However, as indicated in our research, we can still be optimistic that the technology, combined with a healthy dose of activism people per person, can provide solutions for dealing with disaster hoax news.

Imitate human behavior

Literature-literature exists describing the spread of social networking in the fabricated news in one of two ways.

The first way, we can make a model of what happens when a person observing the activities of their neighbors. The information is then used in a complicated calculation to update their beliefs about the world are optimal.

The second approach assumes that someone will simply follow the majority rule: everyone doing what is done by most of its neighbors.

The thing is, both approaches have drawbacks. They are not able to mimic what happens when someone changed his mind after the onset of some of the conversation or interaction.

Our research is different. We model the human as an agent who developed their own strategies in updating their view of news pieces of his neighbor's actions.

We then introduce enemies who try to spread false news and compare how efficient the enemy is when he has knowledge of how strong the trust of other agents is compared to if he doesn't know it.

Take the example in the real world, an enemy who aiming at spreading the hoax news will probably read your Facebook profile and see what you believe, then knitting disinformation that he wanted to spread with tailored to your trust to increase the chances you'll share news lie that he sent.

We learn a few new things about how the news lie scattered. For example, we show that provides the response to the news that has been distributed make it easier to detect the hoax news.
Our research also shows that incorporate a number of artificially fabricated news on social networks can train users to be able to recognize a hoax news with better.

Most importantly, we can also use models like ours to create prevention strategies spread hoax news.

There are three things that we have learned from research about what can be done to stop the hoax news.

Against the hoax news

Because people learn from their neighbors, who learn from their neighbors and beyond, every person who detects and gesturing about the hoax news will help prevent the spread of the news network in a lie. When we exemplify how spread hoax news can be prevented, we found the best way is to allow users to provide feedback on their friends about the news that they share.

And more than just a news show that is a lie, we can also praise the friend when she distributed the results of a journalism that well-researched and balanced. More importantly, the praise was even able to do when you disagree with the conclusion or political viewpoints that exist in that article. Studies in human psychology show that humans do adaptations in behaves in response to positive and negative – especially when the response comes from one's social circle.

The second big lesson is this: save your data just for you.

Web 2.0 is based on the premise that companies offer free services in exchange for user data. Billions of users were then called up with this attractive offer, making Facebook, Google, Twitter, and LinkedIn a giant company worth millions of dollars. But along with the growing growth of the company, more data is collected. Some estimate that as much as 90% of all data in the world has just been created in the past few years.

Do not give your personal information easily and free of charge. If possible, use a tool that is fully encrypted and try as little as possible information that can be gathered about you online. There is another alternative from most applications that are more secure and with privacy, ranging from search engine to applications to exchange messages.

Social media sites still do not have an alternative to focus on privacy. Fortunately, the presence of blockchain has provided a new technology that is able to resolve the paradox of privacy-advantage. Rather than having to trust Facebook to keep your data safe, now you can put it on a decentralized blockchain is designed to operate in an environment of minimal trust.

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