7 Tips to Maximize Your Account in order to be Increasingly Instagram Famous

7 Tips to Maximize Your Account in order to be Increasingly Instagram Famous

Who the hell is not familiar with the Instagram App? I am sure all of you have ever been or being infatuated with this application. This time I will discuss how to maximize bit Instagram, so your account is more popular and well known.

If you are indeed being infatuated with Instagram, seems you don't need to be embarrassed or even furtive in the play. Because of this latter application, Instagram is indeed being hits-her hits so it's not just you who experience the "madness" in playing this one application.

Photo and video-based applications this simple can be run by a mobile device-based iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. The presence of Instagram proved very instrumental in overcoming community that began to be saturated with social media such as Facebook and Twitter. This latter only contains news of the hoax and no other significant news.

Instagram, which presents unique and interesting photos and videos, makes the "escape" of the people who are starting to get bored with other social media. In fact, it is not uncommon to maximize Instagram to be able to skyrocket usernames which are from ordinary people, aka never before.

Rather than the more confused, let us refer to how to manage the account and maximize Instagram so attractive and makes the account became famous and was able to bring profit for its owners. Oh yes, don't forget the previous follow me on Instagram username here ya @arnolduspt, Hehehe.

Tips to Maximize Your Account in order to be Increasingly Instagram Famous
instagram smartphone

1. Start by tidying up a username

Please use a username that is short and easy to get to know people. Or if I may suggest, your real name is the most appropriate to serve as your username.

Using real names as usernames would be helpful, as it makes other people feel confident that they are going to follow account is not a spam account. It also makes it easy for your friends and your sister to find account Instagram you through the search box.

Or if you use Instagram as a means of promoting products, make sure that the username you choose is not too long and complicated.

2. Choose a profile photo, and biodata is represented by your self

As with the username, profile and bio photos are very important things to pay attention to. How not, the username will be the first impression for other users when they want to download your Instagram account.
Therefore, in the selection profile photo, make sure you use the original photos and choose the best among the tens of thousands of stock photos or maybe you have.

As for the Affairs of the bio, this should you write down something that represents yourself in the real world, avoid writing hyperbole biodata.

Well, the above is an example of a hyperbole biodata that I often encounter on some Instagram accounts, hehe. We can see for ourselves, if this biodata is just like that, it seems like other users who were interested will discourage them from following your Instagram account right.

Try to write a very interesting bio so you have to think carefully and repeatedly. Although I said it was very interesting, don't use pearls of wisdom as your bio. Because it doesn't really sound like that.
It's better to just be self by writing down what you are. Like the area of ​​origin, campus identity and majors, and the work that you are currently doing.

3. reduce the photo selfie with the place and pose a less interesting
According to a survey I did to my friends, 9 out of 10 people don't really like to see Instagram posts which only contain selfies with places that are not attractive at all.

These unattractive places and poses, for example, are photos in a room with a sleepy face and a caption that says "Face just wakes up, don't use it make up". The fact is that no one will care about photos and captions like that unless you are Selena Gomez.

Well, basically try just to have a decent background photo, as well as the prettiest or most dependable pose bro.

4. specify the concept photo for your account with Instagram

If at the points we discuss the reduction of the number of photos selfie it's not very exciting in the point of view of the eye. It's good you start to learn to make a concept or theme in order to maximize your Instagram.

This can be derived from your profession, such as you are a photographer then you can upload the photography works on Instagram to increase the number of the follower.

Or you can also concept about nature, about food, and also travel. Conceptualized galleries like this will further increase people's interest to follow your Instagram because what you present is indeed very interesting to see.

5. Combine your photos and videos to create your Instagram feed that pretty and interesting

After we discuss the concept, this time planning to do is manipulate and combine those concepts. The purpose is to make chick feed Instagram and attract other users to follow your account.

Make a beautiful feed, believed to be very powerful in seeking the follower which will make your account the more famous later. Therefore, before you are ready to upload a photo or video in your account, here are tips to make the feed more interesting:

Make sure the photo you have similar colors

The gallery contains photos disheveled, tend not to be liked by users of other Instagram. Most people using Instagram, not thinking about their feed. So it will rarely found a user who has an interesting gallery.

Although your picture is nice, but note also the composition of the colors in the photos to upload. That is to say, seek to upload the photos that have made similar color.

We can see the color white dominates the gallery. Although not all of them are white but still the color of the main color, which makes between one photo with another photo inter-related. Thus creating a gallery of beautiful and interesting to follow.

Kolaborasikan also with frame

Still with the Gallery of mas @adhigunasosiawan. We can see above if he uses a frame-the frame to make the Gallery more interesting.

You too can follow in his footsteps by using 3rd party applications three, many strewn on the play and the google app store is your smartphone. Take advantage of the application to create a gallery that is increasingly attracting so many people interested in becoming one of your followers.

Or, use the application grid to cut proportionate to your photo into multiple parts
You can also download applications to cut the image in some parts, such as Insta grid to maximize Instagram by making your gallery more interesting.

Many people who have had success using their Gallery beautify your tricks on this one. In addition, the photo which you upload to Instagram also will look bigger and feeling free to be noticed.

But also note, don't frequent-often use this trick. Because if you use it frequently then the other user will be annoyed with your photos stacked up and seeming to be spam in their home. Often those who most use this trick even ended with the loss of some of their follower.

6. Upload photos with scheduled times 

In order to maximize Instagram and your account getting more familiar to people, make sure there are always photos that you upload every day. This is done so that you are not unfollowed by other users, because they assume that your account is no longer active.
Therefore, make sure that you have had a separate upload schedule in order not to be considered spam because often upload photos, and out of stock for the next day.

In selecting the upload schedule, make sure you also select certain times when many users are currently active in order to get to like that a lot. Like on lunch hours where many people are enjoying the break while looking for entertainment in the app Instagram.

7. be an active user in reply and comment and like

If your account has already started to famous, don't forget to reply to those who ask in the comments field of your photos. This will give rise to the impression that you are user-friendly aliases are not arrogant.

In addition to replying to comments that go on your account, it doesn't hurt to give feedback or just say hello to other users. This activity will make your account more and is known by the people and also can bring in followers for you.

As for like, how you can get it if you own lazy to give like on other people's photos. So make sure you don't become an arrogant user that just wants to get like, without wanting to give other users like.

After knowing the tips for maximizing Instagram by managing the gallery to be tidier and known to many people. It's also a good idea to discuss the benefits that can be obtained if we have a well-known account so that we can be more enthusiastic in managing it.

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