4 the challenges faced By Smart Sunglasses

4 the challenges faced By Smart Sunglasses 

In the near future, glasses smart (smart glasses) are light and comfortable will reliably support the work of the Court and make technicians more effective in carrying out his work.

The last few years we have seen an increase in the investment in the smart glasses technology, with a number of high-profile acquisitions and direct investment by large companies in the plant and the new company, but some challenges still remain.

1. Break through the limitations of the components of the Smart Glasses

A processor for tasks that support the Augmented Reality continues to increase, but adjust the skills needed for the company with the optimal form factor is still a challenge.

For example, in the case of a graphics processor, smart glasses should be small, lightweight, and highly efficient power to be placed in the frame of the glasses remain comfortable to wear.

Accelerate real-world tracking and rendering virtual objects that require fast chips like the NVIDIA Tegra X 1 or Intel m7, which now appears in the latest sophisticated smart glasses from companies such as Atheer and DAQRI.

Combined with eye tracking capabilities, voice recognition, and reliable movement, this increased computing requirements, both in terms of battery consumption and the production of heat, which need to be managed properly and efficiently.

Front camera high resolution required for creating Augmented Reality experience but not all smart glasses have that function. Slope and shocks also present challenges to the delivery of the experience of the AR and video conferencing.

Another improvement area to note is the battery life, and these problems are faced by a line of smartphones.

New models specially designed for the specification of the industry began to be marketed this year but has not been widely tested in real-world environments.

2. Network security and Bandwidth

Give the experience of Augmented Reality continuously based on services and content hosting cloud by requires bandwidth and coverage is not interrupted in any employees with any AR work.

Ensure the availability of a reliable WiFi in a narrow area of the armored hull, for example, is the challenge that is still difficult to overrun, and we start to see more and more solutions to adopt sophisticated offline functionality and local storage to fill in the gaps.

Both the device and the network may require high-security standards in sensitive environments to ensure that proprietary information is not misplaced/leaked.

Deficiencies in security are similar to that faced by wearable and smart devices that are on the market today.

3. Content to Experience Augmented Reality

When content produced 25 years ago for the World Wide Web recently, generally accepted paradigm for the design of the AR experience that will be sent to the smart glasses do not exist.

Creator experience AR should be experimenting and developing their own techniques to ensure the security of the user interface and usability.

As the World Wide Web, the standard for the design of the user interface and the first content requires a greater proliferation of the use of Augmented Reality on smart glasses, resulting in the phenomenon of the chicken and the egg: with a bad user experience, use remains low.

With the low demand, experiments with the new design will be slow.

Content for use in the experience of Augmented Reality for the smart glasses, such as images and 3D models, tend to be made from scratch.

Companies that have made investments in ARS processing tool has the advantage when they are able to access and convert the CAD model of the existing industry into light version and polygonizes for display in eyeglasses Smart.

A successful AR content mastery also need a toolchain and workflow authoring customized specifically as well as a uniform look and feel for the content displayed is emotive, highly relevant, and consider the requirements account security.

In the year 2015, we see the proliferation of content and applications providers create smart-glasses-the first to fully exploit platform smart glasses.

4. The overall user experience

In addition to the user experience for the human-machine interface, other UX factor for smart goggles is still increasing.

The cable is often necessary to connect the hands-free screen to the network or the content processing center, or to the battery pack.

Although this form factors to solve as many problems as the battery ages and weights of the device, it still has many flaws to achieve device all-in-one dream.

The best way to interact naturally with the displayed content is something that wants to be solved by all manufacturers. The most advanced smart glasses have the capability of physical control and voice, movement of the head, and the interaction of the movement.

The large size and limited field of view is another complaint that stands out on the first generation smart eyeglasses, but competition in this space has pushed manufacturers to improve much better.

The narrow field of View (FOV) limits the amount of information that can be displayed to the user, and the smart glasses best model now gives the appearance that immersive overcome experience those problems.


Like other types of wearable products, smart goggles is a new technology development and its use is still growing.

Both the business and technology challenges in the process of being resolved so those smart goggles are generally accepted as tools of routine work and become more known for their productivity-enhancing features.

In spite of these challenges, some applications of the smart glasses for use of the company was announced in the year 2015, and some predict that 2016 would bring more spread because companies looking to get excellence in competition.

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