Current technology has reached a level that is said to go forward than backward.

In the world of photography when we want to photograph or take pictures of the height we need to climb trees, ride to the top of the building (rooftop) and chartered helicopters in order to photograph or take a picture of the natural beauty of the city and so it is not efficient.

The use of drone technology and development emerged in the early 19th century, before the first world war, the first time on August 22, 1849.

At that time, there was a battle between Austria against the city of Venice, Italy. 

Austria ruled the majority of the territory of Italy launched hundreds of balloons from Austria ship Vulcano.

And the balloons any successfully on target, although some of them are quite the fumble changed direction because of windblown and instead exploded on the border of Austria and Italy.

Then, on November 8, 1898, Nicolas Tesla, inventor of Serbian descent the U.S. patented remote control or remote control of its findings.

The remote control is the basis of contemporary robotics.

Tesla makes ships and balloons that can be controlled remotely. Derived from the battle, in 1916, a concept aircraft without crew created and named for Aerial Target. However, it turns out that all those tools never flew.

However, sometime later, the debut of the aircraft without the crew called the Hewitt-Sperry Automatic Airplane finished production. And this type of aircraft without the crew, first flying with the flying bomb mission.

The technology also brings the concept of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and can be controlled remotely. Using them to launch the cruise air or torpedo radar.

And at that point, the crew of the aircraft without any controlled using the gyroscope.

All gait Hewitt-Sperry Automatic Airplane, any United States Army tried to take over the development.

In 1917, the aircraft eventually developed as the engine torpedo the air belongs to Uncle Sam that country's military. And in 1918, the debut of the advanced aircraft without the crew gives birth to the next generation that is named Bug Kettering.

After that, the aircraft without the crew used to battle during World War i. its growth any time not just carried out by America alone.

In 1931, the aircraft without the crew called Fairey Queen also developed by the United Kingdom. And as the year 1935 along with the birth of the next-generation aircraft without crew named 82B Queen Bee DH. results of the development of the United Kingdom also became the early appearance of the term Drone.

Then in the era of World War II, the Drone exercise tool used for soldiers to shoot the target.
The Nazi Government of Germany's military also uses drones as weapons of aerial UAV throughout World War II.

Helicam or drone is a unique tool that can take pictures or record images from a maximum altitude of 11,000 feet because this tool can indeed fly.

The principle of this simple tool, and even can be said that only a special camera that is in place over a toy helicopter or drone, and we control it.

But the camera used in helical or drone is not a normal camera, but a Canon 7D DSLR camera, besides that this tool is also complete with GPS (Global Position System) that allows us to still be able to monitor the presence of this tool while flying, and with the system 5.8 GHz video monitors allow you to be able to see every moment captured by this device.

The aircraft without the crew being able to do the Mission of reconnaissance and attack aircraft without crew also used the Government like Fire, irrigation, oversaw the construction of the MRT from the height, the Police monitor traffic dai height.

Aircraft without crew is also in use as Private television media that use a drone to videotape or photograph the image somewhere natural disasters to danger in using a regular camera.

Well, there are currently 5 different types of drones, which are:

DJI Phantom Drones

Drone most popular desire, why? Because of these types of Drones including one of the most luxurious and equipped with many features and sophisticated.

One of the advantages of the DJI Phantom is a GPS system that integrated into it so we don't have to worry if this distance Drones fly high enough or far away.

With the GPS this drone can be easily tracked and could even come back automatically to the location remotely.

Drone Parrot

One drone it had a very unique form, known as the Parrot. One of the highlights of this type of photography is the drone's multitude of media controls that can be used as a remote to fly Drones.

Nine Eagle Galaxy Visitor 3

Nine Eagle is one of the drones to be had at reasonable prices and relatively cheap.

This type of drone is most suitable for beginners because it is very easy to use, features a fairly complete is perfectly suited to serve as the subject in the know and study the drones to photography.

Walkera QR

Types of Drones one has also become one of the most widely used by lovers of aerial photography because the feature is cool and always update, one of the services that can be utilized on a Walker QR is the GPS.

RC Quadcopter

rone is also one that is easy to use and can be obtained at a reasonable price. This type is also one of the mainstays to practice using the Drones because of flexibility.

One of the many used and acquired at a bargain price is Quadcopter x5c. Which is also equipped with red color and the bottom of the camera. Due to the physical plane is made of plastic material that is flexible so it's not easily broken or smashed when colliding.


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