Danger !!, artificial intelligence technology will replace humans

Danger !!, artificial intelligence technology will replace humans

Artificial Intelligence (artificial intelligence) or abbreviated as AI inevitably experienced phenomenal growth in the last three years.

Later there will be a time when the application of Artificial Intelligence has replaced so many human roles (both smart humans, especially those who are rather stupid and ass).

Then what exactly is AI science? And how is it applied in our daily lives? Let's try to find out the answer in this crispy dish this time.

The implementation of AI techniques has become so advanced lately because it is triggered by two main pillars: namely 

1) the presence of increasingly powerful "machine learning" power and
2) the increasingly massive storage and processing capacity of BIG DATA.

Machine Learning is often also referred to as Deep Learning Machine. This is a term that refers to the ability of a computing machine to thinkers and taught me (self-learning capacity machine).

Tasks programmers are simply supplying inputs in the form of millions of variable data to the intelligent machine. Later this engine was able to process millions of records, and then the thinkers themselves what must be analyzed, and it was decided to run.

The analogy might be exactly like when a toddler learning to talk. The mother was only supplying tens of words per day in each of their interaction. Slowly this toddler brain can digest their own waffle and miraculously can then learn to speak fluently.

That's just the way the workings of machine learning (with a supply of data, a million times more complex). Simply enter the millions of records, and later brain algorithms this machine can digest, look for a pattern, and can finally own thinkers.

That's the essence of Artificial Intelligence. I.e. the time machine learning could eventually own thinkers like the human brain – even a lot more precision and more accurate; because the machine had, no mental emotions sometimes get tired and get carried away feeling melancholic.

The second pillar of the progress of the AI is BIG DATA Capability. Advances in data storage and big crunching data also contributed to heroic prowess a machine learning and AI.

Machine learning will be stupid if the data supply is only a little. The power of machine learning will be very poor if the data supply is not many in number.

Now in an all-digital era, there is a data explosion. All data about anything - for example online consumption behavior data, banking transaction data, medical record data, employee data, social media conversation data, to our online data behavior; all recorded digitally.

Billions of megabytes of data can be easily wrapped and captured by big data analytics.

Trillions of these data were probably considered just like flakes of interconnected data. This data was just trillions always evaporate like a mirage.

Not anymore.

Through the incredible power of MACHINE LEARNING, trillions of data (big data) are processed and digested. Slowly trillions of data that had been similar to puzzle, "formed" and "given meaning" by machine learning intelligence.

The process of combined analysis of machine learning + big data this is what gave birth to the science of AI.

Then how is the application of the science of AI in many sectors of life around us? Here's an example of its application in 4 sectors only.

Artificial Intelligence in the world of Health

Examples of the application of the fair going forward and it's been going on in the arena of health care is this: the machine AI can provide results in accurate diagnosis about the type of illness the patient.

So, later when there is heavy and fairly pain patients come to the hospital; then that will diagnose a patient's illness was not a doctor, but a smart AI engine.

The nurses quite simply enter all the data of the patient's medical record, complete with all the lab test results in detail. The AI engine will probably ask the nurse to enter additional info that is needed.

A few minutes later, the AI engine that will give you the answer what types of illnesses suffered by patients; complete with a medical action what it takes, and what needs to be consumed.

Imagine, a specialist who could possibly be replaced by smart, AI. Moreover, other human beings are rather stupid and ass.

Artificial Intelligence in the world of Finance

One of the biggest challenges in the world of finance is how to guess if there are people who want to owe, then this person will never be in arrears and pay their debts smoothly, orderly and discipline.
Artificial Intelligence could be a solution to these challenges.

In China, now has many online lending and payment institutions (such as Alipay) that leverage the power of AI to predict the ability of customers in paying the wages of accurately and precisely.

Historical data about one's online transactions accompanied by the behavior of users; coupled with other data about work and their earning potential; all of this data can easily be combined and analyzed by machine learning or AI.

And then instantly (only in a matter of seconds), the AI machine could give an answer which will be accurate if the person is worth a given loan or not.

Financial institutions and banking will gain efficiency and extraordinary speed if the process analysis and credit approval can be done with Flash and super accurate.

Artificial Intelligence in the world of E-commerce

Examples of the application of AI in the world of e-commerce very much. One of them is about Microtargeting. That is, e-commerce such as Amazon can display the homepage up to thousands of different versions, depending on who is going to come. So its web interface is very customized.

The example I like to buy the book online and also love to share about great business books on Twitter and the Blog. With AI, Amazon should be able to figure out my digital footprint.

Then when I open the home page of the web Amazon, which should be displayed on the homepage is the sales business books, accompanied by recommendations of decent business books I read. (currently, Amazon can not like this).

Another profile of a young woman for example. The girl prefers the Instagram scroll to see the various designs of the artists. Well, if my girl visits Amazon, the front page that should be displayed is the latest fashion products that are trendier.

Likewise for thousands of others. Everyone had different interests. With AI, Amazon will be able to keep track of this interest and displays each page of his face differently.

If there are 1000 people with different interests and preferences, Amazon should have a different front page for those 1000 people, according to their respective interests.
That is what is called micro-targeting. So web content Amazon got thousands of versions, which are tailored to the unique interests of each visitor.

Such micro-targeting can be done with AI.

Artificial Intelligence in the Recruitment of employees
In a number of companies in the U.S., the job interview process is no longer used by humans. But by Artificial Intelligence Robot. The result is more objective and more accurately filter out good candidates.

So there will be a time in the future You do job interviews with AI robot. You will be asked by the melodious sound of the AI robot.

Each of your answers complete with the intonation that you bring up, the movement of your eyes, to your gestures, will all be noticed by these "AI eyes and ears" and then analyzed. Even this AI robot will easily detect if your answer is bullshit or nothing.

Then, all your answers and your body language will be analyzed by an AI that you can think of yourself. Within seconds, the answer will immediately appear: are you a great candidate or abusive?
THUS, four examples of the application of AI that are mind-blowing. Advances in AI, machine learning and big data analytics will give you a massive impact on our lives as modern humans.

Hopefully, your role as humans can still survive, and slowly disappeared replaced by AI machine.

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