The Secret Of Apple & Samsung Revealed

The Secret Of Apple & Samsung Revealed 

Samsung and Apple fought back in the courts of California, United States. Some internal documents should be kept confidential, also disclosed that during the trial as evidence.

Few things surprise appear in that document. There is some information that hasn't been revealed before about tommyimage Samsung and Apple.
What is the information that appears in the startle fight new volume between two giants? Here's the bottom line from different sources.

1. Steve Jobs should be a war

In October 2010, Steve sent an email at 100 Apple executives. Super secret email is now exposed in the trial of a lawsuit Apple on Samsung. Contents showing various strategies to promote Steve Apple and against competitors.

One of Steve's plans for the year 2011 as the email is revealed in the holy war or holy war with Google. It was not mentioned in detail what the intention of the holy war. Steve Apple only States would be intense competition with Google.

Steve realized that Apple and Google would fight hard in the field of mobile operating systems to cloud technology. He also asked Apple executives to be vigilant and not be trapped in the old paradigm.

 "Apple in danger pursued an obsolete paradigm for too long, " added Jobs in that email. He said Google and Microsoft also began to pursue a failed technology even though the Apple is still ahead.

2. Samsung wanted to get rid of Android

It's no secret anymore if Samsung does not want to be too dependent on Android. An indication of this has seen since Samsung is serious on OS Tizen. The plan turned from Android it seems Samsung is prepared with cooked.

This information is exposed from the included Samsung document to the Court, in the case of patent rights against Apple. There are at least four important points that unlock Samsung thought during the period 2011-2012.

First, Samsung's main focus is Apple, and how they can slow the growth of the iPhone maker. "Future success depends on 'blunting' Apple," Samsung said.

The second review of the Samsung does not feel like a team player with other Android device manufacturing. South Korea companies this does not consider the HTC or other Android vendors as allies to unite forces against the domination of another OS.

Third, Samsung acknowledges is still considered a less powerful brand. According to Samsung, this is their biggest problem.

The last and most important, despite the growth of Samsung Galaxy line of gadgets supported Android, Samsung had planned since a few years ago to get rid of the Android OS and use their own, though until now not realized.

3. Apple Admits iPhone Overwhelmed

Apple was also forced to reveal its secret documents. One of the documents explains how the success of an Android device tackles the iPhone. Especially in terms of more affordable prices and a wider variety of screen sizes.

The second factor that is believed to be the crucial aspects that affect consumer considerations before buying a mobile phone. In other parts of the document, it also revealed a note from Apple's sales team renders the manufacturer's success in terms of improvisation competition hardware, and also the development of the ecosystem the better.

The fact that accompanies a number of speculations who said Apple was actually quite overwhelmed face of Android devices. The price of the product, the iPhone too premium, plus the size of the screen too long ' revealed ' in the span of 4 inches.

Meanwhile, competitors are more flexible because, in addition to the display variable landscape options offered, the prices offered are very competitive. Analysts added, sales of smartphones currently fuelled by Smartphones priced at under USD 300. Currently, for smartphones over USD 300, more consumers are considering landscape screen wider.

4. Samsung Cemaskan Apple Ads

In the trial of the latest Samsung against Apple in the courts of California, where Apple pointing fingers Samsung violated 5 patent technology, revealed some documents that mention Apple's marketing boss Phil Schiller, fretting over his campaign advertising Samsung.

Some time ago, Samsung launched the Next Big Thing advertising campaign Is Already Here. In some shows, the ad parodied Apple fans in line and there were several Samsung users coming. The Samsung user shows features that are not on the iPhone.

In addition, Samsung also launched a massive advert at the big Super Bowl sporting event that made Schiller even more anxious. "This ad is pretty good," Schiller wrote in an email he sent to James Vincent, the boss of the advertising agency Media Arts Laboratories which had been making Apple ads.

The Summit, there is published in the Wall Street Journal titled ' Has Apple Lost Its Cool to Samsung '. The article was disturbing Schiller because discussing that Apple threatened Samsung. Back to Exchange emails with a James Schiller Vincent and discussing the article.  "We must do the hard work to reverse this situation, " wrote Schiller in Vincent.

Schiller then assesses the advertising agency leadership of Vincent less nice than Samsung. In fact, he never proposed that Tim Cook, Apple's CHIEF EXECUTIVE, looking for a new advertising agency.  "We might have to start looking for a new ad agency. We don't get what we need,  "called Schiller.

5. Samsung's biggest Ambition

One of the documents showing the evaluation of the performance of Samsung in the years 2011 and 2012 year corporate plan. One of them is the strategy beat the Apple that was pretty dominant in the smartphone market with the iPhone.

 "Beating Apple is priority number one. The threat from Apple really real (12.5 million mobile phones they sold in quarter IV 2011),  "the sound of one sentence in the Samsung document.

Samsung expected in 2012, Apple will release the iPhone 5 that could potentially return to obtain extraordinary profits. So Samsung must find a way to beat Apple, although at that point the Samsung has become the world's largest mobile phone vendor.

Samsung ever gives an outline on the workers about the strategy of conquering Apple. I.e. increase branding phones Galaxy, especially with Campen ads.

Samsung will also continue to target all price segments. The Galaxy S series is aimed at the upper segment and the other Galaxy series made for the middle segment to the bottom.

6. A prototype Android Doesn't Use a touch screen

Before Apple launched the iPhone, Android already comes first. But it's not like that right now, the phones ' green ' robot that is still not supported the touch screen.

The year 2006 is the first Android phone appearance. Currently, this smartphone featured simple, with a screen that's not too sharp, and come with a physical keyboard.

Documents released in court Apple-Samsung turns out to reveal other facts, it turns out that Android is not supporting the command touchscreen like the iPhone.

No one component in the Android operating system made for the touchscreen. It also directly changed when Apple launched the iPhone in 2007. The document was made by Apple's evidence that Android has stolen their ideas, both in the software and hardware also.

7. The initial version of the Galaxy Tab was less Successful

Currently, Samsung is the second largest tablet PC manufacturer in the world after Apple. But initially, Galaxy Tab tablet PC series less successful, particularly in the United States market.

Samsung internal documents shown in court shows that the year 2011 Galaxy Tab only sold 1 million units in the US. While the iPad is in the same period, sold 17.4 million units.

Even compared to the sales figures of the Amazon Kindle Fire hosts tablet, Galaxy Tab still loses. The year 2011 that, Kindle Fire sold in the range of 5 million units.

But slowly but surely the situation has now changed. Flush of many Galaxy Tab models successfully lifted Samsung's name on the market.

8. Steve Jobs Admits iOS behind from Android

Some things revealed in secret email Steve Jobs revealed the Apple in the trial against Samsung in the courts of California. In between the recognition of Jobs that iOS operating system left behind in some areas of technology from Android.

As reported previously, this email posted Jobs in 2010 at some Apple executives so people trust. One part in an email discussing the failed iOS from Android and how to outline a strategy to pursue failed it.

 "Strategy: pursue Android where we missed (notifications, tethering, speech ...) and goes beyond them (Siri), " wrote Jobs. In other parts, Jobs expects Apple to compete with Google cloud services question and find ways to overcome them.

 "We need to connect all our products together, so we can increasingly locking consumers in our ecosystem, " added Jobs in the same email.

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